I see the future of legal education transforming before our eyes, and I’m excited to share that I’m contributing in my own small way to that transformation. My Fall 2024 syllabus for “Artificial Intelligence and the Law” at Michigan State University College of Law is now available on the Syllabi Commons, thanks to John


I held my Q3 Personal Quarterly Offsite last week. I developed this technique several years ago and have found it incredibly useful.

The premise is that, like a corporate or business retreat or offsite, you can and should set aside a few hours every quarter to focus on your personal goals, developments, and status, and

A lot has been happening at Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory recently. Seemed like a good time to post an update.

  • Upcoming “Ask Me Anything” Zoom Webcast. I had so much fun and got such good feedback on my recent special guest appearance on Ari Kaplan’s Virtual Lunch. I’ve decided to run an experiment for

Monk meditatingI held my latest half-day Personal Quarterly Offsite last weekend. As I’ve developed regular Personal Quarterly Offsites into a personal practice, I keep finding more benefits to this structured approach. The Personal Quarterly Offsite has become a regular, valuable touchpoint for me.

That’s why I recommend this practice to everyone. I, only partly joking, like

Please join the Exponential Legal team on Wednesday, May 26, at 3:30 Eastern, for a free and open discussion about #productization of legal services. Our guest will be Greg Siskind and he will be sharing his insights into productization efforts and learnings in the area of immigration law. Greg has been working on some cool

A work in progress

Part of my #blogfirst approach and an introduction to what I’m now doing at Exponential.Legal (launch date February 1, 2021).

Apollo 11 commemorative glass
Whitney Johnson has said that our “superpowers” are the things we often get complimented for and routinely deflect the compliments because “everyone can do that.” People who are known for generating

Your professional network has never been more important than it is today.

When Allison Shields Johs and I speak about LinkedIn, we are always struck by the number of lawyers and legal professionals who tell us that they know that they are only using a very small fraction of the power of LinkedIn and they