Welcome to my occasional series of posts of excerpts from my book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and Other Legal Organizations. The book is available in paperback and on Kindle on Amazon.

In this chapter, I focus on the importance of coaching and mentoring and

Legal Innovation as a Service Logo

Summer is here and the time is right for  . . . Legal Innovation as a Service for law departments only.

I’ve wrapped up my grading for my classes at University of Michigan Law School and Michigan State University College of Law for the semester.

I’m planning to largely take the summer off and concentrate

I decided last weekend that it was time to kill off some of my innovation ideas and projects, both personal and professional.

And my timing might have been right because yesterday I watched a great Strategyzer webinar called “Why Killing Ideas is Key in Innovation,” featuring Alex Osterwalder, Tendayi Viki, and Uwe Kirscner. A replay

CLTI Announcement image

From the press release:

MSU Law’s Center for Law, Technology & Innovation Under New Interim Leadership
Dennis Kennedy will lead MSU College of Law’s Center for Law, Technology & Innovation (CLTI) as its interim director.

Professor Kennedy has been a member of the faculty at MSU Law since 2018, serving as an adjunct professor of

Chapter 11. Diversity is Essential

There are times, usually when I’m in a room full of white men who look and think in the same ways, that the idea I’ll discuss in this chapter is the most controversial opinion I can state in the innovation setting. However, it’s my core belief.

Diversity, in and of