Since I retired from Mastercard, I’ve gotten a lot of questions from people who want to know what I’ll be doing next. I like to phrase the question as, “What is DennisKennedy.Next?”

I’ve had the luxury of having some time to think about this and get the opinions of some amazing people. I’ve also had the chance to experiment in a few areas and do some adjunct teaching, book writing, and other projects.

The path gradually became clearer and what I thought was what I wanted to do in five years coalesced as something to do now and not to wait. It’s time to go to work. I’ve blogged about the idea and given a bit of a preview here.

This post marks the official launch of Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory. To the extent titles are meaningful, I’ll be the Executive Director and Chief Innovation Officer.

The mission of Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory is to help forward-looking legal organizations innovate.

The lab will also be the umbrella for most of my activities and services and will evolve as I evolve. Most importantly, it will become the vehicle through which I do collaborations on joint projects. Call 734-926-5197 or contact Dennis Kennedy

Frequently Asked Questions.

How would you describe Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory in 20 words or less?

A “think tank” focused on the future of the legal industry offering services, products, collaborations and research & development.

What problems does Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory solve for its clients?

Clients get access to Dennis Kennedy’s expertise, expertise and network to address both targeted and focused legal technology and innovation roadblocks and slowdowns, and broader, big-picture legal technology, innovation, R&D, and business model strategies to move them to the next stage. I’ve found that these kinds of problems, which can seem insurmountable, often are only sticking points that need a just-in-time, just enough change of perspective or intervention to get your projects moving on to the next phase.

Why use Dennis for this assistance?

Dennis is Yoda. – Jordan Furlong

I’ve been very well known in these fields for many years. You and others can certainly learn what I’ve learned over my long career, but you can’t do it quickly and you don’t have the same breadth of experience, context, and perspective I have. If you are a forward-looking legal organization that needs some practical help, working with me will make sense.

What areas does Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory cover?

The web page for Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory describes the areas in more detail, but here’s a quick overview:

1. Services

2. Research & Development

  • Custom Projects
  • Productization and Product Development
  • Big picture topics (megatrends, business models, access to justice, learning from change in adjacent professions)

3. Education

4. Collaborations and joint projects

Do you have some examples?

Legal Innovation as a Service, LegalTech Vendor Advisory Services, and Panel Convergence Advisory Services are examples of my own efforts to “productize” my own services.

Other recent examples:

  • Market and business model assessment and advice for potential new legal products
  • Brainstorming and advice for access to justice expungement clinic initiative
  • Advice on designing new conferences and improving conference models
  • Feedback on new legal services and products
  • Idea generation and testing

How do I hire Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory?

That’s the question I wanted to hear. Call 734-926-5197 or contact Dennis Kennedy

Is this all you will doing going forward?

As you probably know, I’m teaching some legal technology and innovation classes at both the University of Michigan Law School and the Michigan State University College of Law. I’m also exploring a limited and part-time law practice that will probably need to be done on an of counsel basis with an innovative technology firm. I want to build a digital transformation law practice, do some arbitration and mediation of tech disputes, and some limited scope infotech transaction law work (licenses, Open Source, cloud, new technologies).

How do I learn more?

Start with the Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory page. I’ve also created a Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory LinkedIn showcase page for regular updates. And I’m doing a regular Paper.Li daily links collection called Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory LabNotes. I’d also recommend my book and the free 57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law PDF. You might also follow me on Twitter art @denniskennedy. And there’s still time until January 31, 2020 to take advantage of the 20/20/2020 special offers.

I’m looking forward to working with you. Call 734-926-5197 or contact Dennis Kennedy


[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]

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