I decided last weekend that it was time to kill off some of my innovation ideas and projects, both personal and professional.

And my timing might have been right because yesterday I watched a great Strategyzer webinar called “Why Killing Ideas is Key in Innovation,” featuring Alex Osterwalder, Tendayi Viki, and Uwe Kirscner. A replay

A work in progress

Part of my #blogfirst approach and an introduction to what I’m now doing at Exponential.Legal (launch date February 1, 2021).

Apollo 11 commemorative glass
Whitney Johnson has said that our “superpowers” are the things we often get complimented for and routinely deflect the compliments because “everyone can do that.” People who are known for generating

I’m not surprised to see some significant stories recently about aggressive efforts by law departments to trim bloated lists of outside law firms and end up with leaner and more aligned panels. There are many reasons: corporate directives, economic stress, cost-cutting initiatives, reports of NYC associate billing rates topping $1,000 an hour, partners hoarding billable

CLTI Announcement image

From the press release:

MSU Law’s Center for Law, Technology & Innovation Under New Interim Leadership
Dennis Kennedy will lead MSU College of Law’s Center for Law, Technology & Innovation (CLTI) as its interim director.

Professor Kennedy has been a member of the faculty at MSU Law since 2018, serving as an adjunct professor of

Chapter 11. Diversity is Essential

There are times, usually when I’m in a room full of white men who look and think in the same ways, that the idea I’ll discuss in this chapter is the most controversial opinion I can state in the innovation setting. However, it’s my core belief.

Diversity, in and of

I taught two law school classes this past semester: “Delivering Legal Services” at Michigan State University College of Law and a brand new courses called “Legal Technology Literacy and Leadership” at the University of Michigan Law School. To put it mildly, the pandemic presented some challenges for both classes, but the students impressed me with

In yesterday’s Delivering Legal Services class at Michigan State University College of Law, I introduced the approach of using mind mapping and brainstorming as tools to generate ideas. We did some initial experimentation before we launch into some target design thinking sessions over the next few weeks. The blackboard photo shows what we generated in